Family Connects Oregon

All babies deserve the healthiest possible start

Family Connects Oregon is a free evidence-based, nurse home visiting program for all families with newborns. 

The Family Connects Oregon program supports parents by linking nurses, community resources, and families. Our mission is to connect you with resources that nurture your whole family and support your child. It’s about planting seeds for the future. Together, we’re growing healthy babies!

Introducing Family Connects Oregon

Cate Wilcox, Section Manager for Oregon Maternal and Child Health, shares information about Oregon’s new voluntary nurse home visiting program. Family Connects Oregon will be rolled out in phases and eventually be available for all new families statewide. 

Family Connects Oregon’s Dr. Ben Hoffman

Dr. Hoffman is a nationally recognized expert in child passenger safety and leader in the field of community health and advocacy training for pediatric residents.                                                                                                He was the president of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2024, and is currently serving as the AAP's past-president for 2025. Dr. Hoffman is a Professor of Pediatrics at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital and Oregon Health and Science University. At OHSU, Dr. Hoffman is the Vice-Chair for Community Health and Advocacy, Director of the Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, and Medical Director of the Tom Sargent Safety Center.